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Injury scam

A renovation company hired an employee, but the employee to work about two weeks after the sudden hurt the wrist during the work, after which the employee because of a wrist injury issue temporary incapacity leave to apply for work-related injuries engineering company, and when waiting to provide a medical certificate to the engineering company, and the company still have to pay the monthly wages of employees in accordance with 4/5 employees' legislation, but the engineering firm continued to pay staff wages 4/5 after six months, began to wonder, the company decided to entrust the investigation, the results of the investigation about 7-10 days, found within one week of the two days as part-time employees in other engineering companies, and hands move freely, the company will eventually video evidence handed over to the engineering company after, and referral assistance of counsel, the staff also finally brought to justice.

In fact, the business community, people tend to lust and temptation of money, get lost nature, even some doctors, are for pecuniary interest, conspiracy to defraud and patient injury, in fact, nothing more than just a medical certificate, you can help others cheat injury.

According to "Laws of Hong Kong" Chapter 210 Article 16A of the Theft Ordinance, any person by any deceit and with intent to defraud induces another person to commit any act or omission, which led to - any person other than any person other than the benefit of another person or to induce the conduct of prejudice or a substantial risk of prejudice, the lure of conduct shall be guilty of fraud, a conviction on indictment on conviction, be liable to imprisonment for 14 years. With intent to deceive by making such deception when carried out induces another person to do any act or omission, and thus lead to the above consequences, the person shall be deemed with intent to defraud.

Examples of commercially survey

Injury scam

Example 2 injury investigation

Tracing Case 1

Children Case 1

Business Case Example 2

Business Survey example 3

Example 1 affair investigation